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Inspired by God

Writings that God has given me to share with others

Monday, December 14, 2009

Are you unique? 

In this Christmas season the differences between people are more apparent than at any other time of the year. If you are wondering what I mean, try to arrange a Christmas party for your employees/co-workers. There are several religions that don’t celebrate Christmas so the songs, tree or Santa Claus would be insulting. You can’t even call it a Christmas Party, it has to be a Holiday Celebration. Then you have people who are trying to lose weight or vegetarians or people who can’t eat certain foods because of allergies needing a special menu. People wanting to dress certain ways. And I am sure that there are other items I haven’t thought of that need special arrangements. It gets to the point that everyone needs something special. You can’t enjoy a good old Christmas Party because of all the special needs!!!

Have you ever wondered why now people need all of this? 20 years ago this wasn’t needed, you could throw a Christmas party and everyone would come if they wanted to and if they had a problem they just didn’t show up. I think I have figured out part of the problem. In this world today everyone feels like “part of the crowd”. There is nothing that makes most people stand out above or beside others in their minds. They are not unique!

People do not feel special any more so they are starved for recognition for anything that sets them apart from everyone else in the world. If they don’t look different or have a unique personality they try to find something to make themselves stand out. So they make demands for special attention due to something in their lives that they believe sets them apart.

If people could see themselves as unique there would be a lot less strife and stress in the world today. What most people can’t see is that you are unique. No one in the history of the world has ever been exactly like you. Your finger prints are unique to you, no one has ever had your finger prints before or ever will. Your DNA is unique. Twins share the identical DNA but even they are unique due to different experiences that shape them differently.

No one in the history of mankind past, present or future will ever be just like you. No one will look like you with your skin color, hair color, eye color, your smile, they way you arch your brow or hold yourself when you are pondering something. No one reacts exactly like you do or thinks the same thoughts in the same situation. No one in the history of mankind past, present or future will ever be just like you!!!

More importantly in God’s eyes you are unique, no one in the history of mankind past, present or future was every created by God who is identical to you. You were made perfectly the way God sees you with your strengths, weaknesses, loves, talents and gifts. Jesus knew your name and your face when he walked the earth 2000 years ago and he loved you for who you are. It doesn’t matter if someone else who doesn’t know you thinks of you as “one of the crowd” because you are not!!! You are special to your parents, siblings, relatives, coworkers, spouse, children and friends. But more importantly you are unique and special to God, he could pick you out of a crowd in a split second. And because you are as he made you he loves you so much more than you can possibly imagine.

So - - - Are you unique? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by Yvonne  # 6:46 AM
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