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Inspired by God

Writings that God has given me to share with others

Friday, August 19, 2005

Come just as you are 

August 3, 2005

Come just as you are before God and worship him. Just as you are with a wounded heart, a damaged soul. You have grown up in a corrupt world that perverts the best God has to give. God wants to heal you, to help you to overcome the corruption, the perversion, the twisted way you have been taught to use the gifts God has given Mankind. God wants you to come before him so he can heal you.

“Heal my Body?” you say, maybe. But most of all God wants to heal your heart, mind and soul. To straighten the twisted perceptions. To clear up the misunderstandings of his love. God loves you, God wants to heal you. All you have to do is ask him. It doesn’t take a fancy prayer or lying on the ground or starving yourself. All he wants you to do is ask for forgiveness and healing.

Come as you are before the Lord, in your work clothes, in your shorts and T-Shirt, in your Jeans and Tennis Shoes. With dirt on your hands and grass in your hair. Walking, crawling, on Crutches or in a wheel chair. How you come doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters, is that you come with an open heart to hear what God has to say to you. If you come with a closed heart you come with closed ears. Then you can’t receive What God so desperately wants to give you. It is what is on the inside that counts. Jesus wants your heart. He doesn’t care about clean hands or your best clothes. He cares about you!!! He loves you!!! Not your wardrobe, your car or your bank account, just you! He wants to heal your heart, he wants to relieve you of your hurts and wounds. All you have to do is ask. Then comes the hardest part. Once you let him do it you can’t take them back. You have to let them go.

Most people give their problems to God but only on loan. Don’t be an Indian giver. Once you give it, it is God’s to deal with. You can’t have it back, but since God will not deny you an answer to your prayers he lets you take them back. You have to realize that God wants them forever to deal with as he sees fit. You have to let go, forever. Only then can you be healed. Only then can you experience the full love of God in your life.

So come, now is the time to worship
Now is the time to give our hearts
Come just as you are and worship
Just as you are before your God
Come and lay down your burdens in his hands
Feel the Love of God come over you
Let God Love you completely.

It isn’t as complicated as you thought, is it?

posted by Yvonne  # 12:38 PM
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