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Inspired by God

Writings that God has given me to share with others

Monday, April 05, 2004

Being a Parent 

Raising children isn’t easy. When they are small they depend on you for everything. They love you unconditionally. Their whole world revolves around you and you are everything to them. As they get older they become more self-sufficient and do some things for themselves. You want to help but, with patience you stand back and watch them as they struggle with something you could do in so much shorter time. Your heart swells with pride as you watch them tie their shoes. Of course the loops are too big, lopsided and the knot is going to come loose in half an hour and it took them 5 minutes of trying and retrying to do it. But the look on their face when they are done is priceless, a memory you hold in your heart for the rest of your life.

As they get older they are more demanding, more independent. They want this or need that. For their good you tell them “No” and their response is “I Hate You!” When they are good you begin to question their motives…”What are they going to ask for now?” is the thought that crosses your mind. They ignore you, don’t follow your rules and argue with you until you give in because you just can’t take the arguing any more. They listen to things that used to make them mad or embarrassed with they were younger. They act as if you are only there to provide what they need and give nothing in return. You live for those rare moments when they hug and kiss you for no other reason then that they wanted to. You live for the times when they really want to be with you because they love you and just want to be with you. Those times are few and far between but you treasure each one.

One day they leave home to go out on their own. They come by when they want you to do their laundry or they don’t have enough food in the house and they’re hungry. They call you when they need something or are in trouble but never just to talk. The heart breaking feeling when they are gone is more than you can bear. You wait for their calls with anticipation no matter the reason or length of the call. You can’t wait for their visits and when they come you drop everything and attend to there wants and needs as if there is nothing else in the world but them. You miss the hug and “Thank You” as they walk out the door but the love in your heart is almost as strong as the emptiness when they are gone.

They don’t think of you or call you for a long time and you’re in pain the whole time they are missing from your life. The pain and emptiness in your heart is, sometimes, more than you can bear but you go on with your life. You wait for their next call or visit with anticipation.

Then one day they show up, just to be with you for a while. They hug and kiss you, tell you how much they love you and missed you while they were away. The Joy in your heart is almost unbearable; the hole in your chest is filled with your love for them. They call more often and visit frequently. You are no longer in pain because they’re in your life again and need you and your wisdom to help them get through life. Your joy is complete and your love knows no end for your child.

Think of the parent whose child never comes back or dies before they have a chance to come back into that love that their parents are holding for them. Think of the loss, the loneliness, the emptiness, and the pain for the parent who doesn’t have a chance to have their child in their life again as an adult. There is a pain like no other in the rejection and desertion of the child from the parent. A pain and emptiness that never goes away. Their thought, every day is for the child that was lost. Every day until they die they wonder what they did wrong, what they could have done differently. Until they die alone, rejected, unfulfilled because of all the love they were unable to give to a child who abandoned them.

Think now of God, you are his child. When you were young you loved him, even if you didn’t know it was him you loved. You knew that there was someone who loved you but it was something that was just there. As you grew up you forgot that love and went on with your life. You may have been mad at God, rejected him, cursed him. Think of the pain in his heart each and think of every time you ignore his love, his word in your heart, his gift to you of his son’s life. If you can, imagine the pain of that parent who dies in loneliness and rejection for the child who never comes back to them. Think of God in Heaven! He never dies! He will live forever with your rejection in his heart, with the pain of you choosing Satan over him… Yes! Satan! When you reject God, when you ignore God, when you tell God you hate him, you are choosing Satan over him. And Satan is right there in God’s ear saying “I took another one from you, they don’t love you any more, they are mine now. Forever will they burn in the fires of hell with me because they rejected you, because they rejected your sons sacrifice for them.” At some point Satan will not be allowed into heaven to communicate with God but the pain of all those who were lost to Satan will be with him forever. As much as your parent loves you, God loves you more. If God’s love for you is like a gallon of water then your parents love for you is equal to one drop of that gallon of water. If your parent’s pain over your rejection is unbearable, think of Gods pain. Your parents have a few children, or only one child. God’s children number in the billions. If your rejection is like a knife in your parents heart think of God’s heart with all of the millions of lost children he can never get back. Don’t be another knife in God’s heart. Go to him, love him, let him love you. What God wants more than anything else is to give you the fruits of his love! To fill your life with the gifts he has stored for you in heaven that he can pour out on you while you are here on earth. He eagerly awaits your journey to him in Heaven but he has so much joy to pour into your life here on earth. Don’t be a knife in Gods heart, be a joy to him for eternity.

God wants your Love, that’s all; He just wants your love so he can love you.

Let him love you!!!

posted by Yvonne  # 5:39 AM
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